Zunil is a Quiche speaking town located in a fertile basin in the Department of Quetzaltenango near the departmental capital of the same name. It is known for the produce it raises to sell in the capital, its hot springs and its famous idol, Saint Simon. The traditional Zunil huipil was characterized by broad vertical purple warp stripes, sometimes accentuated by parallel narrow stripes in other colors. “In contemporary pieces (ca. 1960-75), the bluish white foundation created by a white weft and blue warp) has been displaced in favor of a broadly-striped central area, boldly colored in bright red, magenta, yellow, or green and accented by thinner striples and a randa”. (Conde, Maya Culture & Costume, Taylor Museum, p. 71) Zunil is also known for broad colorful rebozos, belts with a core of undyed wool and indigo dyed skirts with ikat patterns.