Santiago Chimaltenango daily huipil.

This circa-1980 huipil was hand woven on a back strap loom in two predominantly red cotton panels covered by a grid of stripes in various colors. The sleeves are of the same material. This base material is decorated with supplementary brocade featuring animal and bird designs. It has traditional collar and cuffs. This tailoring is unique to Santiago Chimaltenango huipils and they are one of only two huipil styles in Guatemala that have sleeves. These huipils are uncommon and this is a unique example. It is in very good condition. It was acquired from Sra. Bonifacia Mendez Bocó at her tienda in the Mercado de Artesanos in Antigua. 54 cm shoulders, 20 sleeves, 47 length. (17-38) $ 90. OBO