San Pedro Sacatepéquez (G) ceremonial huipil.
This circa-1980 huipil was hand woven on a back-strap loom in two
wide white cotton panels. These panels are joined by elaborate hand embroidered decorative seams and are heavily
decorated with extensive supplementary brocade, mainly in purple. The brocade features sacred cieba tree motifs
among many others. The head opening is trimmed with a complex hand embroidered collar. All these features are
typical of the finest San Pedro Sacatepéquez (G) ceremonial huipils. It is worn outside the skirt, showing the
brocade to the hem in the back. San Pedro Sacatepéquez (G) is an important weaving center that influences the
styles of several nearby towns. This fine example is in excellent condition. From Maria Isabel
Gonzales of Patzicia at the “bomberos” textile market in Panajachel. W 133 x L 65 cm. (15-232) $ 350. OBO