San Martin Jilotepeque ceremonial huipil. Probably used in Sumpango.
This circa-1970 huipil was hand woven on a back strap loom in two well-matched indigo dyed cotton panels that are joined by multi-colored hand embroidered
decorative seams, mainly in silk. The surface decoration is very well woven supplementary brocade to the hem with plumed serpent and other geometric motifs,
much of it in silk. The head and arm openings are trimmed in velvet. It features a “luna” in front. Made in Jilotepeque, worn in Sumpango, these ceremonial
huipils on indigo and with silk are increasingly rare. This fine example is in very good condition. W 79 x L 55 cm. (19-155) $ 280 or best offer.
Lower photograph by Frank Lee Mays.