San Juan Atitán is a Mam speaking town in the Cuchumatanes Mountains in the Department of Huehuetenango. “San Juan Atitán is truly an isolated village. It can be reached only by a perilous jeep trail of by several hours climb on foot. . . .The village is an impressive sight on market day – hundreds of villagers dressed in starkly simple red-and-white costumes, against a somber backdrop of dark green pine and spruce.
“San Juan Atitán women, who seldom travel outside the village, wear long huipils that closely resemble those pictured in the Prehispanic codices. . . “ (Altman and West, Threads of Identity, Fowler Museum, p. 135)
The most unique quality of dress in San Juan Atitán is the complexity of the men’s costume, which is still the norm when the men are in the village. It has at least 6 distinctive components: the straw hat with band, a head tzute, an elaborate shirt, a wool tunic (capixay), a sash, cotton pants and, sometimes, traditional sandals.