San Ildefonso Ixtahuacan exceptional daily huipil.
This post-1980 huipil was hand woven on a back strap loom in three maroon and white warp-striped panels. The base material
is “aleman”, a rayon/cotton blend prized for its softness and drape. These base panels are joined by elaborate “randas”,
hand embroidered decorative seams. The surface decoration features supplemental brocade on all panels in patterns typical
of the Colotenango area. The center panel is wider and more heavily decorated. The San Ildefonso huipil resembles that from
nearby Colotenango in the use of brocade in the “soumak” style, but it is distinguished by the hand embroidery around the
collar. The head opening is trimmed with a hand embroidered buttonhole stitch. This fine huipil is heavily decorated. This
unique example is in excellent condition. It was acquired from Sra. Bonifacia Mendez Boco at her tienda in the Mercado des
Artesanos in Antigua. W 92 x L 51 cm. (17-06) $ 240. OBO
Lower photo by Frank Lee Mays.