San Antonio Aguas Calientes daily huipil.

This prestige huipil was hand woven on a back strap loom in two well matched white cotton base panels. The surface decoration is supplementary brocade in horizontal bands, some of double supplementary weft brocade producing the bird and floral motifs equally on both outside and inside. The ample head opening is trimmed with hand crochet. Aguas Calientes is the only village that utilizes this difficult weaving technique known locally as “marcador” and its huipils are prized. This very fine example, unusual on white, mixes geometric with “marcador” patterns. It is in excellent condition. It was acquired from Sr. Julio Cesar Ajanel at his tienda on Calle Santander in Panajachel. W 80 x L 62 cm. (16-103) $ 250. OBO