Quetzaltenango exceptional daily huipil.
This large circa-1980 huipil was hand woven on a back-strap loom in 3 white cotton
base panels. The seams where the panels join are decorated by hand embroidered floral designs. The surface decoration is
supplementary brocade featuring bird, plant and plumed serpent motifs and trimmed on the bottom with a shadow weave. The
weft stripe across the shoulders is brocade in silk, indicating ceremonial use. The purple brocade is murex (shell fish)
dyed, a very rare feature, also indicating possible ceremonial use. It has a well done hand embroidered collar that has
been opened for easier access. This fine example is in very good condition. It was acquired from Sra. Estefana Culajah
at the La Fuente textile market in Antigua. W 98 x L 76 cm. (16-172) Was $ 210. Now $180 OBO.