Chichicastenango men’s ceremonial head tzute.
W89 x L82 cm. This very fine ceremonial men’s head tzute was hand woven on a back strap loom in two red cotton base panels with narrow black stripes. These head tzutes are used in cofradía society functions. Authentic older examples with all silk brocade are very rare. The brocade on this piece is all in several colors of silk; maroon, magenta, rose and red/orange. The brocade depicts 24 larger double-headed eagle designs, several smaller ones and many smaller birds. The hand embroidered decorative seam is all silk in 3 colors. It has long elaborate tassels on each corner made of silk and rayon. It is difficult to give an age to ceremonial pieces as they are often used only infrequently, however, Margot Blum Schevill, author of Evolution in Textile Design from the Highlands of Guatemala, which is concerned exclusively with these Chichicastenango men’s head tzutes, has estimated that this one is pre-1960. It is in excellent condition. It was collected from Maria Huarcus Aigua of Chichicastenango. (7-214) $ 1,000. Donated to the Museum of International Folk Art in Sante Fe, New Mexico.