Vourvoulias Collection.

Joyce Bush de Vourvoulias was a renowned Guatemalan sculptor who early on recognized the remarkable artistry and quality of Guatemalan textiles. Her collection of huipiles spans from 1963 -- when she started actively seeking out the traditional garments -- to 1975, when the increasingly violent undeclared civil war in Guatemala drove her to emigrate to the United States with her husband and children. It was her hope (unrealized) to someday have a representative huipil from each of the pueblos and aldeas in Guatemala. In the Philadelphia art world is she is remembered not only for her sculptures (which are in public and private collections across the U.S. and Latin America) but also for the huipiles she wore.

All items shown here from the collection are of museum quality.

Chichicastenango ceremonial huipil. Some silk brocade and in the hand embroidered sunburst collar decoration. Hand spun base thread. Two “lunas”. Hand embroidered “randas”. Plumed serpent motifs. 1960 or earlier. Very good condition. (92 x 148 cm) [12-29] $ 350.