Almolonga daily huipil. W85 x L214 cm opened. This post-1980 daily huipil was hand woven on a back strap loom in two well matched black ground cotton panels. . “The Almolonga huipil is intricate and solidly brocaded above the waist. The most common design of the 1960s was a vertical zigzag in maroon, purple and orange-gold.” (Altman and West, “Threads of Identity”, p. 121) It is decorated with supplementary brocade in a great variety of designs, sometime incorporating letters. The black ground is atypical. The collar is machine embroidered, but very well done and trimmed in velvet. This huipil is in excellent condition. It was acquired from Bonifacia Mendez Bocó of Santa Maria de Jesus. (6-225) $85 *SOLD*